Having visionary work to do in the world means you’ll have to do it different.

Different from what you see, from where you’ve been, from what’s available currently.

It means there’s no map & endless possibility.

It requires you tune. Your commitment, your truth, your vision.

It requires you be brave & deliberate.

What matters most?

What happens when you dream the life that could be, unburdened from your conditioning?

There are no rules.

Not in relationship or business or your own existence.

Only experience.

Only desire.

Only creativity & flowing energy.

When you’re met with your own resistance, this is the medicine…

Challenge accepted.

I’m willing to rise.

I’m willing to shine.

I’m willing to move without fear.

I’m willing to lay down my sword, guard down & heart bare.

Watch the video version here.


For You To Win In This Life