11 Ways to Celebrate

Celebrating is something we aren’t taught how to do.

As children, we’re told it’s inappropriate to brag, it’s inappropriate to be proud of ourselves. When a child puffs out their chest in pride we’re quick to knock them down. Don’t be so loud we say. Consider other people’s feelings. We learn to not let others think we’re bigger than our britches.

A significant chunk of early life is often organized to wear us down. We learn how to let our power drain away, rather than learning how to hone it. We learn a lot about what not to say, what’s rude, impolite and not appropriate.

And then we become adults unable to articulate what we’re good at, afraid of making waves. 

It’s impossible to live a fulfilled life if we don’t know how to celebrate.

We often imagine celebration in the future. One day, one day we will get some place where it makes sense for us to acknowledge and party in our own name.

For much of my life celebrating made me uncomfortable. Baby showers, where I had to open up gifts in front of people made me squeamish. But there was also a growing inside me that I wanted to acknowledge this. As a kid, parties were rare. Celebrating was rare. It was so much survival, there wasn’t room to spare.

I threw my first party for myself when I was 39. My partnership had just ended and it occurred to me that if I didn’t do it, no one else was going to. I sent text invites to a handful of friends and clients. I picked the place.

The definition of celebrate is: to acknowledge with a social activity or enjoyable activity. Celebrating is honoring. So, maybe, we celebrate birthdays and some big milestones, but what about the everyday?

Can we notice our wins and honor them? What would that look like? How would our lives change if we were celebrating everyday?

For me it’s about being deeply connected with the truth that I would give up ten million dollars to be here today (see this post), and, I’m guessing, so would you.

It changes the frame.

Let’s make it practical. Here are eleven ways to celebrate:

1. Sing.

The next time you get a win, are feeling a little down in the dumps or just want to acknowledge that you’re alive…sing. At the top of your lungs, but a whisper counts too.

2. Dialogue.

Reach out to someone and learn to say: I have something I want to share with you, will you celebrate with me? Or I’m proud of xyz.

3. Get a tattoo.

If this style works for you tattoos are a beautiful way to mark an occasion. In my experience they also grow and expand in meaning as we do.

4. Journal page.

Dedicate an entire page in your journal or a loose leaf piece of paper to what you’re celebrating. You can do this for a specific event or time period. For example, celebrating a milestone or celebrating everything you’ve accomplished in a month, day or week. Embellish the page with doodles, curlicues, stars and sparkles.

5. Dedicate a hike, walk or yoga practice.

Feel the celebration in your body and keep mentally coming back to the thing you’re celebrating throughout the process. Honor it with your diligent focus.

6. Light a candle or incense.

Speak a prayer or simple acknowledgement of the thing you’re celebrating outloud or internally. Use a simple tea light and let it burn all the way down or an incense with a fragrance that speaks to you. Enjoy the ambiance it adds to your environment. 

7. Go somewhere new.

Memories are a beautiful way to celebrate. It marks the occasion in a unique way. From a new restaurant to a new country, there’s a lot of room for creativity here.

8. Break bread.

It doesn’t have to be cake, but it can be! This can be alone or with friends. Get creative with it and pay attention to what speaks to you. Is it a beautiful thick slice of homemade bread with creamy almond butter? Is it fruits and cheeses arranged elegantly on a plate?

9. Jewelry or adornment.

This can be a new item or one that you already have. Maybe a piece that you don’t wear often or one that you love. It’s the intention that counts. Sounds like: I’m wearing this to celebrate that I’m alive. I’m wearing this to celebrate how much I’ve accomplished this week.

10. Space tending.

This can be adding to a space or taking away from it. Cleaning, clearing, making room or adding embellishments and details.

11. Praise.

Be on the lookout for opportunities to celebrate others. Let them know you see and value them, that you’re proud of them, admire them and are inspired by them. 

Learn to get comfortable in this space by practicing.

Challenge yourself by finding something to celebrate everyday and look for new ways to participate. Notice how your energy changes. Have fun with it and enjoy cultivating this vibrant energy in your life.

I made you a video about this too! Check it out here.

Happy celebrating! And let me know which one speaks to you!


Gentle Disappointment


Art of Living 1